7ème Conférence internationale de recherche sur l’Economie Sociale

Début de l'évènement :

7ème Conférence internationale de recherche sur l'Economie Sociale

The 7th CIRIEC’s international conference will be an occasion for shared reflection on the role of Social and Solidarity Economy in facing the current challenges and a realizing a ‘transformational vision’ such as the one set by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Held for the first time in Central and Eastern Europe, in a post-communist country marked by major political, social and economic changes during the last century – Romania, and which has recently re-discovered the virtues of the social and solidarity economy, the conference aims to generate a renewed scholarly interest in these topics in the region. By bringing together the global CIRIEC network of senior and early-stage researchers interested by the whole range of the social economy components (cooperatives, mutuals, associations, foundations), it will be a unique opportunity for the West to meet East and to contribute with the results of studies to a transformational vision for a world meeting its sustainable development goals.

6-9 juin 2019 BUCAREST (Roumanie)


Source : Informations et inscription

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